Style System Bars on Android

Peng Jiang
4 min readOct 1, 2020
System bars adapt with themes

When building mobile User Interfaces (UIs), it is common to only think of the UIs in the App you are building. However, the App UIs are not standalone on the mobile screen, they are integrated with the system UI. As you can see from the above screenshots, you can feel UIs in the second and fourth screenshots are linked, and blend together, as opposed to a break between the notch and the UI, which also placing emphasis on an app’s content instead of its structure.

In this post, I will describe what I have learnt while styling the system bars with our UIs and describe how can you apply it with your App UIs. If you want to know how to style the action bar on Android, you can find my previous post here.

System Bars

What are the system bars? According to this, they are the status bar and the navigation bar, which are displayed concurrently with your App UI. The app bar or the action bar aren’t included here as it is part of your UI and it should be included in your UI design.

The system bars will be adapted based on your styles setting if you have not set it specifically. The default value will be the colorPrrmaryDark, which was introduced in the material design theme from Android 5.0 Lollipop (Android 21+).

Status Bar and Tool Bar default colour

Except for the theme changes, most of the time, your UIs will not have any connection or overlap with the system bars. If you want to change the status bar and navigation bar colour separately, there are two way you can change them apart from the default colorPrimaryDark . One is set in the app style as below

<item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/statusBarColour</item>
item name="android:navigationBarColor">@color/navigationBarColor</item>

Or you can change it in the code (support from Android version 19+)


It will be better to use a colour reference here, which can make it easier to switch between dark and light mode. But if you have a very light background colour, you will find the icons in the system bar are not clearly visible as the default icon colour is also in a light colour.

Window Light Bar Flags switch off and on

There is no way you can customise the status bar or navigation bar icon colours without hacking. But from Android API 23, you can make the status bar and navigation icons dark by setting the style item.

<item name="android:windowLightStatusBar">true</item>
item name="android:windowLightNavigationBar">true</item>

Since this API only support from API 23+, we can only enable these flags to have clearly visible status bar icons before lollipop devices and keep the status bar and navigation bar colour with our main background colour.

Navigation Drawer

Most of the time, your UI will not overlap the status bar or navigation bar. But some UI component can, such as Navigation Drawer, which provides an easy way to shows your app’s main navigation menu.

When you open your drawer, it can overlap with the status bar according to your designer requirement. You can find our current implementation below.

Navigation Drawer

To achieve this, the tricky part is to switch between the translucent status bar and light status bar when drawer open and close. There are two flags in the host window to control this status.

The FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS flag will request a translucent status bar with a minimal system-provided background. So you can see through from the status bar and use your drawer UIs as background.

The SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR flag will request the status bar to draw in a mode that is compatible with light status bar backgrounds. For this flag to take effect, the window must clear the translucent flag and request the FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS.

SimpleDrawerListener is used for monitoring events about drawers. Once the drawer is starting to open, the translucent status needs to be set and the light status bar flag needs to be removed if the app is in the light model. The status update need be applied to the drawer layout host window.

And you can use Window setFlags and clearFlags methods call to set and clear the flags.

window.setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS)window.clearFlags(View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_STATUS_BAR)

The lessons learned when styling the system bars:

  • Adapt the system UI to provide a more immerse user experience.
  • Try to use the system default option when setting the colour scheme.
  • Be careful with different API version support and provide different version resource folder for better
  • When you set a system flag effect, be aware of different states and conflicts.
  • Handle the light and dark model, provide a great UX!

